Publications | Publicações

Books | Livros

Thinking Visually: the Afterlives of the Portuguese Empire (book manuscript)

Sob o olhar de Deuses sem Vergonha”: Cultura Visual e Paisagens Contemporâneas (Lisbon: Instituto de História da Arte/Colibri, 2009)

Chapters in Books | Capítulos de Livros

“´Largadu suma lã bentu´: a geo-estética de Nú Barreto”. In Atlântica: Art Contemporânea de Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e São Tomé e Príncipe. Ed. Cesar Schofield and Mónica de Miranda (Lisbon: Hangar/Orfeu Negro, 2024).

“´As pollen cast into the air´: Nú Barreto’s Geo-Aesthetics”. In Atlantica: Contemporary Art from Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau and São Tomé and Príncipe. Ed. Cesar Schofield and Mónica de Miranda (Lisbon: Hangar/Orfeu Negro, 2021).

“´To Decolonize is to Perform´: on the theory-in-praxis of Grada Kilomba”. In Challenging Memories, Renewing Canons, Rebuilding Identities: New Voices from Portugal, Brazil and Africa. Ed. Margarida Rendeiro and Federica Lupati (New York: Routledge, 2019).

“Arte e Exílio: Imagens de Contra-Poder”. In Arte & Poder. Ed. Margarida Acciaiuoli et al. (Lisbon: Temas & Debates, 2008).

Academic Articles | Artigos Académicos

“Salão Nobre, Salão Pobre | Noble Hall, Poor Hall: an Image-Memory.” In Journal of Lusophone Studies – special issue “I am Embedded in a History of Imposed Silences: Decolonial Luso-African Literary and Artistic Practices”, 7 (2), 2023. Ed. Patricia Lino and Patricia Martinho, pp. 214-220.

Reparar, Reparando: a memória colonial na Casa da História Europeia”. In Práticas da História – Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, issue “Political Uses of the Past: Public Memory of Slavery and Colonialism”, nr. 15 (2022). Eds. Ana Lucia Araujo and Ynaê Lopes dos Santos, pp. 101-149.

Heritage of Portuguese Influence as Erasure: critical perspectives on the recreation of the past in the present”. In Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 36-37 (2022) – Special Issue “Heritages of Portuguese Influence: histories, spaces, texts and objects”. Eds. Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Anna M. Klobucka and Walter Rossa, pp. 180-216.

The Unbearable Lightness of Anachronism: Practices of Monument-making and the Guardians of Historical Consensus”. In GSG - Magazine for Contemporary Artistic and Social Issues, nr. 3 – “Othering (in/of) the Periphery”. Eds. Sanja Horvanticic and Iva Kovak, pp. 164-195 (2021). [with Patrícia Martins Marcos, Pedro Schacht Pereira and Rui Gomes Coelho]

Introduction: from Processes to Objects”. Gendering Decolonizations: ways of seeing and knowing. In RCL-Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, 54 (July 2021), pp. 7-15 [with Maria do Carmo Piçarra e Ana Cristina Pereira].

The Memory-Sculptures of Doris Salcedo”. In E-misférica 9.1 / 9.2 – On the Subject of Archives. 10 (2) 2013. Eds. Marianne Hirsch and Diana Taylor.

Edited Journals | Edição de Revistas

Gendering Decolonizations: ways of seeing and knowing”. In Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, 54 (July 2021), [Edited with Maria do Carmo Piçarra and Ana Cristina Pereira].

Interviews | Entrevistas

Reparar o Futuro: Mesa-Redonda. Com Patrícia Martins Marcos, Pedro Schacht Pereira, Rui Gomes Coelho e Víctor Barros”. In Práticas da História – Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, issue “Political Uses of the Past: Public Memory of Slavery and Colonialism”, nr. 15 (2022). Eds. Ana Lucia Araujo and Ynaê Lopes dos Santos, pp. 239-256.

Memory work as ´radical intervention and reparation´: interview with Marita Sturken”. In Buala (October 25, 2021).

“´Theory is not just words on a page; it is also things that are made´: interview with Nicholas Mirzoeff”. In Buala (June 11, 2017).

Public Scholarship | Ciência Pública

O que é um presépio? Interview to Eduarda Maio, radio show Tik Tak, Antena 1 (December 18, 2023).

         “Tracing European Memory at the House of European History”. In CounterAtlas TRACTS–Traces as Research Agenda for Climate Change, Technology                      Studies & Social Justice.

“Autoras como Produtoras: dispositivos em (e)moção”. In Buala (November 24, 2022).

O Presépio Doméstico Português: a Dialética, o Palimpsesto e a História”. In Buala (December 31, 2022).

“Os Murais do Salão Nobre: documento do colonialismo ou o colonialismo (ainda hoje) em acção”? In Público (October 21, 2021).

A Entrada do Corpo Negro na Assembleia da República”. In Remapping Memories Lisbon-Hamburg. Goethe/Buala/Museu da Cidade (October 2021).

“O Padre António Vieira e o País dos Cordiais”. In Público (February 2, 2020) [with Patrícia Martins Marcos, Pedro Schacht Pereira and Rui Gomes Coelho].

Exhibition Catalogues | Catálogos de Exposições

“O Pilão de Xangô”. In Contar Áfricas, Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Exhibition Catalogue, Lisbon (November 24, 2018-April 21, 2019)

“Bridges: from Dwelling to Building”. In Lisbon-San Francisco Bridge, Museum of Electricity, Exhibition Catalogue, Lisbon (June 22 – July 14, 2010).

“Andamentos: Valter Ventura & José Nuno Lamas.” In Escrita na Paisagem–Festival de Performance & Artes da Terra, org. José Alberto Ferreira, Évora (July 1-September 30, 2007).

Book Presentations and Reviews | Apresentação e Recenção de livros

Animismo e Outros Ensaios by Margarida Medeiros (April 4, 2023, at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation). Published in Buala (January 11, 2024).

“Uma História Infantil para Adultos: A Nossa Alegria Chegou by Alexandra Lucas Coelho” (September 27, 2018, at A Barraca Theatre). Published in Colóquio-Letras 201 (May-August 2019).